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Reuniting with the family, celebrating Spring Festival, catching up on missed TV series… All of these activities may be on your list of things to do in the winter holiday. But don’t forget one important thing: the class reunion. It’s a great time to hang out with old friends, reminisce about the past and have fun.


A class reunion event would be incomplete without a few exciting games. They can help break the ice at the beginning and even become highlights of the reunion. Here are some of our top recommendations.


Break the ice


Photo competition


This requires everyone to get a childhood photograph of themselves and put them in a bowl. Then, one by one, the audience must guess who the person is on the photo. This is a good way to ease the atmosphere and create a lot of laughter.


Fish pond


To play this game you need pens and blank pieces of paper for everyone. Ask them to write down how they feel about their friends. Collect the notes and read them out loud. It’s an opportunity to say thank you or sorry to a friend and get to know each other better.


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